The TimeTraveling
The Asteroid is an homage to those so very cool first guitars that were the dreams of every young aspiring guitar student of the late 50s and 60s. I for one certainly remember looking at the Sears & Roebuck catalog on the floor of our den in front of our families floor model TV. All those cool guitars and amplifiers ! The one that always grabbed my attention was that cool black to red burst finish offset body guitar. It reminded me of the planet Mars. They always had the coolest names that were heavily influenced by the space missions that were happening in the 60s. Heck, those guitars all looked like they were made to be used by astronauts as well! Made me want one that much more.
The Asteroid was designed to look and feel as though it had time traveled from the 60’s and landed here. From the satin red to black burst, to the cool mod shaped pickups, this guitar is could of beene at home in any of the catalogs of the day. Even the acrylic silver sparkle pickguard is not to be missed. This idea came to me after watching an old episode of one of my favorite TV shows called Lost in Space. How many remember watching that ?